Malam sob kali ini share Game Download Game Garshasp Temple of The Dragon MULTi2-PROPHET - The mighty mythological hero, Garshasp, travels into distant lands in search for the secrets hidden in the temple of the dragon, unaware of the hidden dangers and creatures awaiting him in the cursed lands. You play as the mighty Garshasp in this hack and slash expansion pack for the original “Garshasp: The Monster Slayer” game taking place before the original story
Cara Install
1. Extract Game
2. Kemudian File rar ada banyak Extract File rar paling atas - menggunakan 7zip (caranya klik kanan sorot 7zip - klik extract here) tunggu proses extract
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3. Selanjutnya Etract File Gunakan Power Iso (cara menggunkan seperti 7zip)
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4. Selanjutnya Install Klik 2x setup.exe selanjutnya next-next saja
Size Game 958mb
Download Game Garshasp Temple of The Dragon MULTi2-PROPHET
5 Post a Comment
spec-nya berapa gan
Replycara gabungin partnya gimana gan?
Replyanonim @ ini game ngak terlalu berat - kalo spek minim tinggal atur aja resolusinya
Replyanonim @ cara install seperti diatas gabunginnya cuman di extract rar paling atas
min kan ane extract GRSHPTMPDRGPRP.rar, terus keluar folder GRSHPTMPDRGPRP, di dalem nya ada file banyak jenis nya .001 - .021, ane join pake hj split akhir nya keluar file ppt-totd.iso,
Replytapi ga bisa di extract min,pencerahannya dong
sorry min,game nya work 100% lancar jaya, ane salah bukan di join tapi di extract pake 7zip.
Replysankyou game nya min